Have fun. Make Friends. Love Shakespeare.
Over five evenings you and a small group will read through a Shakespeare play, guided by an experienced actor.
Furnished with an informed opinion you watch a production of the play with your new friends. Bliss.
We read the play together, scene by scene.
We explore who Shakespeare was. We examine the context of the play; the political, social and cultural landscape of the time. We unpack the language, metaphors, imagery, and literary references as we go.
We investigate the key themes, discussing our own interpretations, and those of different critics and theatre makers throughout history.
In short, we demystify Shakespeare
Equipped with a newfound understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare, we cap it off by watching a production of the play, safe in the knowledge that we will understand every scene!
Afterwards we have a post-show drink or (for online courses) meet via ZOOM to discuss and congratulate ourselves on having had a rich and fulfilling experience of seeing a Shakespeare play. Finally!
“It was really fantastic being in an environment where you felt free to ask questions. It felt so different to an evening class because it was so relaxed and comfortable. I learned a huge amount, and feel like I have made friends for life – Claire is a wonderful host and a genius when it comes to Shakespeare!”
“I LOVED my time with you and my classmates. I got so much more out of the play by discussing it with you and peers, reading the recaps, and watching the video clips that you shared with us. Thank you!”
“Up until now I understood the plots of a lot of Shakespeare’s plays but I could feel the “whoosh” of air as the detail flew over my head. I knew it was supposed to be interesting, but I didn’t realise it was actually interesting. I get it now. Twelfth Night was really funny.”